Vital Animal Substack
Vital Animal Podcast
When Fear Rules, Everyone Loses

When Fear Rules, Everyone Loses

#014 Fear seems an all too common emotion among many animal owners these days, especially with the near constant narrative coming at us about some supposedly killer virus out there, just waiting to bring us down.

I’d like to see fear replaced with reason and confidence, especially when it comes to raising wildly healthy, naturally disease-resistant Vital Animals.

Join me as I take you through the real life scenarios that brought this emotion to my attention recently and see how I think it’s a dangerous one to carry with you on a regular basis, consciously or un-.

Common sense would dictate that you shouldn’t live your life in fear, and it should be fairly obvious that your animals, sensitive creatures that they are, will pick up on your emotional state, for good or for bad.

We all have it within us to keep fear in its rightful place, reserved for those times when it’s truly warranted. Listen in and hear several examples of how it is often used to control us and what you can do to fight back.

The links and show notes for this episode are at

Vital Animal Substack
Vital Animal Podcast
Vital Animals are wildly healthy & naturally disease resistant