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Vital Animal Podcast
How one cat's death sentence changed Kasie Maxwell's life

How one cat's death sentence changed Kasie Maxwell's life

#006 It all started with a 9 year old cat given a death sentence: 3 months to live. Today’s guest spent an entire night studying, realizing she’d been doing it all wrong, and changed her cat’s diet over the next year with what she learned. Her cat recovered and was never sick again, dying at the respectable age of 22.

Raw food for pets got its well deserved introduction to San Francisco in a big way when Kasie Maxwell Grujcic got a bunch of people to make an “assembly line” in a friend’s garage in 2001. She provided the direction and know how, gave everyone a task towards one end goal: everyone goes home with excellent raw dog food for a month.

The rest, as they say, is history, and countless lives have been changed for the better with Kasie’s guidance, kindness and inclusive attitude. “Bones scare you? No worries, you don’t have to feed bones yet!”

This episode is packed with gems of hard won knowledge, health challenges others would have given up from, bold decisions and successes that will inspire and amaze you.

"It’s all about honor for me, honoring the land, the environment, the animals being raised for food, honoring the producer of that food… and honoring the animals in my care which are carnivores…”

Listen closely and be inspired by this living example of determination and selfless service to the animals and the planet.

Link to the show notes for this episode:

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Vital Animal Podcast
Vital Animals are wildly healthy & naturally disease resistant