I have a question about tick bites and Ledum. I know it can be very effective at preventing tick borne illnesses. My question is which level of dilution is best? My dog is a Golden Retriever and weighs about 62 lbs. I read about a few protocols using Ledum 1m, 200c, 30c and Aurum Arsenicim 200c. Possibly adding other homeopathic remedies if symptoms present. I want to treat her prophylactic. Any guidance would be most welcome. Thank you! 🙏🏻

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I'm of the school that says don't treat assuming a problem *might* occur. I heard a huge upwelling of ledum use as a result of a magazine article years ago, and, just as I'd never take (or give) arnica for every little boo boo, I think it's bad practice to get out the ledum for every tick pulled from an animal.

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Thank you for replying to my concerns. I removed 5 ticks from Autumn in the last week. One being engorged. She must have had another on her recently as she had a swelled area on her head. I cleaned all areas and applied an antibiotic ointment. I spray her with an essential oil mix everytime we go out into the field. This year it is not working as well. Hence the reason I wanted to use Ledum. If you feel it prudent to wait I will.

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Hi Dr. Falconer,

I do not see this as palliation, but as suppression. The psora sx were suppressed and then seizures began. Please (and I'm not asking this in an obnoxious way), explain why it isn't suppression.



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The timing. Pred took 10 freaking years to bury the disease (and I'll bet it was stopped to "see if the coast is clear" along the way, which it likely wasn't). Finally, the vital force said, OK, I have no choice but to manifest in a deeper, deadlier way.

I thought roids were suppressive until I learned this from Dr. Pitcairn. Classical suppression is best seen as surgery of a diseased organ. One stroke, done. Then, the other shoe drops. Read that link on the unsightly tumor.

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Thank you for this response. Sort of like slow-motion suppression.

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