Jun 13Liked by Will Falconer, DVM

When researching for the dog that I was about to buy in 2016-2017, I learned so much from Vital Animal & Will Falconer: how vaccines work, how they can cause damage, how titers work, natural immunity and natural defenses, and the underlying profit driver in the vet biz, that this prepared me when I started to read about the Wuhan problem. Had I not known these things I might have gone along with the mRNA jabs, “going along to get along”, being compliant. Sadly I complied with my puppy and she has itchy skin and itchy “vax” ears. Because I complied. Trusted. But no more rabies jabs. No more “up-to-datedness”. No more vet visits. And no doctor visits for me. Eat well. Live healthily. Natural remedies and minimized contact with chemicals. For my dog, me, my family. Thanks Will!

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Bravo! I, like you, after learning early on about vaccine injury in the animals, had no problem refusing the Covidiocy, even when it was "required" where I lived. And I'm happy to say human health/animal health: one can easily inform the other. It's not rocket science, as you point out.

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Kudos to you 👏 for educating yourself. I love it. ❤️

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Jun 13Liked by Will Falconer, DVM

I was fortunate to find a vet that does not insist on the rabies vaxx and has no problem with not doing it to our 12 YO poodle. It took some while to find him. His last rabies was seven year ago. Enough! We titer for the other issues but would also like to have a titer for his rabies protection. I am going to contact Kansas State Univ for the process. https://ksvdl.org/laboratories/rabies-laboratory/

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Just be aware that a titer that falls ≠ need for more shots. I've written about this: http://vitalanimal.com/fallacy-of-titer-tests/

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Jun 13Liked by Will Falconer, DVM

Does not the rabies vax insert say something to the effect it should only be given to a well dog? If so, obviously, some vets are unable to tell an unwell dog from a well dog. Any dog on meds is NOT a well dog. I know Dr Will has made this point many times.

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True. My waiver link speaks to this.

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Thank you for this excellent advice. A few months ago, I was pleasantly surprised by our “conventional” vet. We got an automated email from the office that our 15 yo pup was due for his 3-year rabies shot.

We went in just to have the physical done & I was not going to allow vaccination. My strategy was going to be to suggest he get a titer done instead - which still brings $$$ for the vet.

To my delight (maybe my years of “far right” suggestions are rubbing off?), he preempted me by saying he doesn’t see the need for a shot, he knows our pup isn’t around wildlife, etc. Wow. 🥂🥂🥂

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Jun 13Liked by Will Falconer, DVM

I think more vets are getting push backs about vaccinating our pets as well as other shots. We did a titer test and a cover letter from the vet saying our senior dogs were safe to be around. Our vet was very vocal about not subjecting our dogs to unnecessary shots and gave us some natural hemp cbd that our doggies love as treats. I read the label. There's no crap in it. So with any medical professional - if they push shots and get belligerent it is time to find another medical professional.

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Absolutely. How can anyone justify paying someone who’s working against their animals’ best interests?

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Jun 13Liked by Will Falconer, DVM

Thank you Dr Falconer! I have contacted a new vet in town twice for the price of titer tests but no response so I assume they don’t have them. We got a notice from the old vet about rabbies vac but I’m not getting Vacs anymore for our soon to be 11 year old German Shepherd. She’s in good health, gets 1 hour walks and has her cats to keep her mind fresh.

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If you search “titers” on https://VitalAnimal.com (search box bottom of every page), you’ll find quite a lot of useful info. It’s a tool, and too many conventional veterinarians don’t use or understand them. But you’re doing fine. Doubt that you need worry in your senior.

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Jun 15Liked by Will Falconer, DVM

She also gets pumpkin - I grow and can just for her-loves daily carrot, gets a fresh farm egg daily and Springtime Garlic- bugoff( 100% air dried garlic from Springtime Inc) found in Dogs Naturally Magazine. And no cataracts! We’ve had 2 goldens and she is our 4 the GSD ( all rescues )

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Riddle me this, good doc: Are the veterinarians who push this poison (especially in instances like this) evil, greedy, or simply misinformed? Are they "rewarded" as human docs are for having X percentage of their fur-patients vaccinated? They MUST see the fallout from this. It's infuriating and just adds another layer of distrust to medicine in general. Grrrrrrr.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 14Author

Jenna, I think it’s part ignorance, part greed (vaccine costs a couple bucks, takes 2 minutes to give, charges often 35 bucks or more), and if there’s a “law” compelling it? Easy profit scam.

And it's not unusual to hear of practices whose bottom line is roughly 30% based on vaccinations.

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Jun 13Liked by Will Falconer, DVM

I think the same applies to the veterinarian world as does human medical docs. You just gotta look for a good one.

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And when you find a sensible one, shout it from the rooftops!

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Jun 13Liked by Will Falconer, DVM

I’m not vaccinating at all. As We are learning, the human immune system was better off without all those “interventions.” I feel the same with my pets. Vaccines contain carcinogens. We all wonder why our dogs are coming down with cancers later on in life. Vaccines are a huge contributor.

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While I agree, I think some careful prevention of particularly parvo is important. It’s why I’ve offered parvo nosodes (homeopathic remedies prepared from parvo discharges) and a well controlled natural exposure protocol in my Smart Vaccine Alternatives course.

Doing nothing is risky. The virus lives where ever dogs have lived, played, defecated, etc. Classic time to get the disease is 5 month old pups, after Mom’s passive immunity has waned and before full immune competency is established at 9 mo of age.

I don’t think there’s anything in childhood (for humans) that’s comparable. I’ve helped raise our children vaccine free and they were always healthier than their vac’d cohort. Rarely sick. Never depressed, and a million miles from the auto immune diseases that are all too common in young people today.

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US Patent for Live attenuated parvovirus Patent (Patent # 9,186,398)

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That's a patent for a vaccine, not a virus. Attenuated means "modified live," an old tech that hopes to confer immunity safely. Known to have a 40% failure rate.

Vital Animal Podcast: #3 Dr. Todd Cooney: Parvo – Better, safer prevention + treatments. https://vitalanimal.com/todd-cooney-parvo-prevention-treatments-ep-3/

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Thanks for the info.

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Don’t buy the BS and fear mongering that your dog needs to be vaccinated at all. That’s a bureaucratic requirement. ALL VIRUSES HAVE PATENTS ON THEM. If they have a patent on them, the virus did not come from nature— it was created in a lab.

Vaccines are a big business and vets & medical professionals make a significant income on pushing them. They don’t always take your pets health into consideration. Vaccines are not supposed to be given to unhealthy or senior dogs. Most vaccines given once will last the lifetime of your pet. Titer tests should be administered

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Jun 13Liked by Will Falconer, DVM

Agree 💯

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I know this is changing the subject but do you have feedback on vets who specialize in oncology for dogs. My dog is almost 15 and I took him for a regular check up and the vet thought his lymph nodes seemed somewhat larger and suspected lymphoma. My dog is healthy and has no signs of illness. What are your thoughts on this especially considering there are no clinical signs or symptoms. The vet says he detected it very early but my concern is this is an over diagnosis. Please let me know what you recommend.

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Well, it’s a senior subject, certainly and cancer is the killer of 50% of dogs over the age of “midlife,” however you define that.

I was able to put at least one long distance dog with lymphoma into months of remission with transfer factors. In those days, I was too busy with other patients to take this dog on as a patient but the lymph nodes returned to normal and the dog did well.

Two easy steps to start: get off all carbs (kibble is carb based, most treats are as well) and get on a raw diet.

Second, my sister company makes an excellent TF/mushroom product now called Motherboard. See this page for deets: https://vitalanimal.com/new-transfer-factor-for-dogs/

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Jun 23Liked by Will Falconer, DVM

Thanks for the info! To confirm if I understood correctly, stay away from chemo and get on a keto diet away from carbs? I will check out your sisters company.

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Our Springer was vaccinated in CA, and our town was destroyed by fire 5 yrs ago. I have no records to show his puppy vaccinations. I discovered Dr. Falconer after his first shots, and chose not to further vaccinate after he nearly died being exposed to littermate who had just received his 12 week shots. A personal friend, a veterinarian, examined him and said he was likely immune once he recovered. Titers would prove this. I’m now in another state, and need to board him with his regular groomer. She has groomed him without records, but to board him says she needs records. He recently nearly died from kidney and bladder poisoning from his kibble, now on the danger list. He has recovered due to putting him on a raw diet. He is now 10 yrs old, and has lived a very healthy life until the kibble issue this winter. If the vet who saw him and diagnosed the bleeding issue won’t accept the letters here, what can I do?

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Any sympathetic vet can write the boarding place a waiver letter. I did this often when I was in practice and have examples if vets wish to follow what I did here: http://vitalanimal.com/vaccination-waivers/

99% success rate. Key is: no begging, no asking. You plop it down like you own the place, and tell them it's a letter from your vet for their files. Done deal.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

I would say zero pets need any vaccines. ZERO!!! The rabies vax ruined two cats recently. They can no longer jump without coiling into themselves afterwards (assuming nerve pain in injected foot)😡. And one is constantly licking herself ☹️.

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I'm so sorry to hear this. And yet, cats do get rabies, and humans as a result, so it's important to fully assess that risk. You can start by viewing your state/county rabies data on your health department's site.

Then, consider how your pet lives: free and roaming? Likely to contact the species that have been tested positive in the data? Or not? It's a highly individual decision, one that I help my students individually with in Rabies: Knowledge is Power course.

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Ivermectin has been used in the past as a heartworm preventative. Now I hear a number of people are using it to prevent and/or cure Covid. Your thoughts?

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Ivermectin is the primary substance in HeartGard monthly heartworm preventative tablets. Unfortunately, Pyrantel, the other additive for other worm types, I am not sure of its toxicity. However, I have used Heartgard on a monthly basis with no apparent issues. Having Ivermectin liquid on hand since Covid, I wonder if it can be used alone for heartworm thereby avoiding the other ingredient.

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Pyrantel is quite non/low toxicity, I have more concerns with IVM, though I hear people flocking to it. Heartgard is only IVM, if you want to use it for HW prevention.

I’ve had a successful drug free protocol for decades that continues to bring in negative tests year on year. http://vitalanimal.com/drugfreeheartworm/

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