THANK YOU for all you do! I just cross-posted this for all my peeps. :)

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You are a peach, my dear! Your peeps are some of the smartest on the planet (and we ALL appreciate you and your humorous take on the wild and crazy we see all about us)!

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Thanks for the cross post, avid subscriber now Jenna 😉

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When I first heard about Librella, my local vet clinic was bragging on facebook about giving it for the first time. It was to an 11 year old yorkie. I actually posted about my concern. That sweet pup went into congestive heart failure 2 weeks later and died. (No prior heart problems)

Now there is a group on Facebook, where about 20% see amazing results and 80% see their dogs immediately deteriorate. 😢

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Wow, so the word was getting out well before the FDA noticed, likely. Typical. If there's one good thing to say about social media, it's that it may serve as an early warning system (provided your powers of discernment are tuned up).

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I have not dealt with this, but I have dealt with prednisone and never again! In my area it is very hard to get vets on board for more natural alternatives and it really disgusts me! Stopping the nerves?! This is insane! This reminds me of horse racing where some of the horses would have the nerves cut at the bottom of their legs in order to keep them sound! I used to run a rehab and these nerves many times would grow back! Another disgusting practice... it's all about $$$

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Yes, pred is 100% suppressive, which makes things worse over time.

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I have a now 10yo mix-breed Lab who has had terrible hips her entire life. When she was 4yo, we elected to have her right hip replaced bc she was nearly crippled and had stopped playing with our other dog (Labra-Dane). Flash forward…when she was 9 and showing signs of advanced degradation and pain in the left hip, the vet suggested Librela. Even though I am now an anti-vaxer and was skeptical, I really wanted to help my dog! Librela worked like magic for the first couple of months! I was amazed!! Then it wasn’t working anymore, and by the fourth month she was back to being an aged dog. I was concerned that Librela was covering up whatever pain she should have been feeling, which allowed her play hard with other dogs causing more damage to her hips. The vet said no, but I think I was right. I stopped the Librela after that and even though I luckily still have my dog, I do believe that Librela did some permanent damage bc she’s physically worse now than before the 4 shots.

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This seems to be a common pattern with the monoclonal ab drugs: work like gangbusters at first, then the other shoes start dropping.

And 100%: it's a symptom cover up, and yes, the arthritis will worsen for all the increased activity due to pain masking.

The good news: a vet homeopath can cure this, though it takes time and attention to details. I used to have excellent results with joint issues, and though no longer practicing, here's how I'd suggest searching for my colleagues if you opt to got this route: https://youtu.be/XyEklB8W6M0

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Thank you!!!💝

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Thank you for covering this…. I was fostering a blue-nosed pit who had been severely over-bred and had major hip problems… so the rescue and the vet thought Librela would get her out of pain … after her second shot she stopped eating and died 4 days later. My husband and I were heartbroken and I didn’t put it together until months later because she likely had cancer as well but Librela brought on an early death. the vet said Librela was totally safe …. I’m so happy the truth is coming out… Solencia for cats is the same horror drug

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Arggh. Had to look that one up, Solensia, same company, also a Mab, just slightly different but with the same strategy "The active ingredient in Solensia is frunevetmab, which works by binding to a specific protein involved in pain signaling, thereby alleviating discomfort"

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Our 15 yo doodle was having arthritis & hip issues. We were managing it with diet (raw) & other dietary supplements. Our vet went on & on about Librela & at the time I didn’t find much info. Our fur baby was so sick after the first shot we declined further treatment. Our vet said he would report it to the pHARMa company & told us to not be surprised if they offer free blood work for our pup. Before we even got to that point, his pHARMa rep was insisting our dog “coincidentally” got pancreatitis. I was beyond enraged. Our vet clearly knew we were being gaslighted. Our boy died in august. He stopped eating & was gone in a week. I’ll never forgive that murderous cartel.

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I'm so sorry. At least your vet saw the truth and hopefully, stopped using the deadly drug.

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If only that were true. He’s obviously experienced the gas lighting before & yet continues to prescribe their poisons. He likes the $$$ more than his patients.

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My 18yr old cat has lots of issues, arthritis being one of them. They will only give a 3 day dose of onsior (anti inflammatory) but dish out gabapentin like it's M&m's. He seems to feel amazing on the onsior and the gaba makes him a zombie. They use onsior as a long term treatment overseas... not here. Imagine that. Infuriating. They offered selencia and I said no way!

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There are articles about Gabapentin on here, it got shoved into vet med when humans could no longer tolerate its side effects.

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Dec 20Edited

Gabapentin is not your friend. It has a long history of problems. See https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/gabapentin-why-this-vet-will-never-prescribe-it/

Back when I was but a wide eyed consumer of vet medicine, this was prescribed for an elderly cat we were caring for. One of the safest drugs on the market, they said. Within a few months the cat started having seizures and then developed a tumor. No connection, they said. Poor cat had to be "euthanized", which they were only too happy to do. One of my red pill moments.

No knowledge or experience with onsior, but nsaids have their own host of problems (look into rimadyl on the alt vet med sites and you'll see what I mean).

Lots of great supplements for arthritis. Homeopathy can help too if his vital force is still strong enough and he hasn't been too suppressed.

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He's 18 and has been on it for 3-4yrs now. Tolerating it very well. I only give him 1/2 of what they recommend. It helps with his teeth pain as well. I try to keep him home as much as possible, so limited scary vet visits. We brought in some younger cats, which has helped get him more active! I wish I knew all this info 18yrs ago.

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Thanks Noelle for mentioning Solensia. A vet tried to get me to give to my cat and thankfully I did some research first. It’s bad news for sure.

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Thank you for this. Before I became a cat lady, I was a cat baby. I believe, just as Biig Pharma "owns" our medical institutions, Purina is in control of the Vet schools. I've seen cats harmed, even killed by vet care.. I had a cat, T'Paw, who developed diabetes and I felt obliged to follow the vet's prescription for injecting her with insulin while I tried to heal her with a diet change. The diet change worked, within two months of her diagnosis and the injections stopped. Four months later she was dead from a cancer which (coincidentally) was in the same location in which I had given her the insulin.

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Vet school in U of Missouri, grad 1980, and Hill's supplied the vet teaching clinic with its donated food. I've heard vet students nowadays get free food for their pets, so yeah, it runs deep.

Bravo for making the diet do what it was intended to do: feed the obligate carnivore real food. So sorry it was too late for her.

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What was the diet change? I had a cat with diabetes, he was on insulin for 7 years. Lived to 15, which I think was pretty good for him. Curious to know what you did. Thanks!

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I found a listing of several cat food brands, basically grain-free pates. I tried the top ones first, she would eat none of that till I got to the bottom of the list - Fancy Feast grain-free pate. That she ate. I have also seen others review this cat food saying they were able to heal their cats of diabetes using this relatively inexpensive cat food. . I have tried cooking for my cats, they've never seemed to like my cooking.

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As long as meat meal and byproducts don’t show, it’s a start

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All new "vaccines" are mRNA, all new drugs are MAB's, and all restaurants are Taco Bell. pHarma found a couple hammers and we are being nailed!

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Follow the money 💰.

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The vet recommended this for my 15 year old retriever last summer. I took the brochure and said I'd think about it. He made me feel like I was engaging in animal cruelty by not immediately injecting my dog with this drug. To my eye my dog is a little stiff in the morning but otherwise pretty spry for his age. So I pitched the brochure and shrugged off the guilt trip. Glad I did. Rapidly coming to the conclusion that most veterinary medicine these days is animal cruelty, sadly.

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Today I D/C’d Apoquel. Thanks for informing us of the dangers of these designer drugs that can do more harm than good.

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And if Librela wasn’t bad enough - the red box warning on the new Apoquel - Zenralia - will blow your mind. Proof that it’s not about pet health - it’s about the money

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Yes a friend of mine has her 5 year old anerican bull dog, the biggest teddy bear I’ve ever met on this drug and yet he has red itchy skin everywhere. I told her to immediately toss all the “treats” they give him and put him on an elimination diet of home made food. But since she’s a pharmacist I doubt she even thought twice about the fact that the drug might be worse than working a little harder to keep her pup healthy the natural way. I was so sad about it. We are way too conditioned to think pharma only wants to “help”.

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Not only "wants to help," but unfortunately too many think Pharma Phirst! Way back when I started "holistic" medicine (in quotes bc, it's an empty label, really) I'd read the blow back from conventional medicine: "Don't waste time on natural treatments -- your patient will get worse and harder to fix with What Really Works!" Groan…

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My dog is a hot allergy mess, too, despite following Vital Animal pack ways so I understand the temptation to want to try anything. I just recently bought the Venjenz protocol & hoping that will work since I’m going broke trying!

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I have found that many of my dogs get allergies from chicken. I suspect it’s because they are all have been rescues and when the go through the “system “ they are vaxxed very young. The vaccines of old were grown on eggs. I don’t know about now. But,that’s why I believe thier immune system sees chicken as something to fight. It’s very difficult to find commercial food without chicken,but, I have good success by eliminating it. Good luck.

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Meat and eggs are very different proteins, but chicken allergies are fairly common, agreed. I suspect it's got more to do with the egregious way these birds are raised.

I saw many times that people with "dairy allergies" could do fine with raw, unprocessed milk, but the stuff from the store was a clear trigger. I suspect healthy raised poultry would be a similar story.

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Aw! I’m assuming you are making all his food? 1-2 or 3 ingredient foods are the best place to start but it is a hassle because you don’t want to shock the gut by drastically changing the diet. Is he on a probiotic too? Sometimes the gut is more involved than anyone would believe. A good omega 3 is also important. 😢

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Yup - vital animal protocol like Dr F has shown us, but she’s a chronic case so it’s hard to move the needle with lifelong inflammation. Letting Venjenz do its thing & starting fecal transplant next week in hopes of inoculating her gut. She is 9 yrs old or so.

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She’s lucky to have a human like you to care for her. Keep up the fight it’s worth it. My doxie will be 17 next month it’s been such a joy helping him live a nice long normal life.

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Oh oh. New Apoquel? When the previous version is causing cancer left and right? Can't be good…

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It’s so bad that vets are to tell pet owners to stop the drug for 28 days to 3 months prior to administering a vaccine! And if you have an allergic dog - imagine the state it will be in when stopping the drug! But since it will be cheaper than Apoquel, unfortunately, many will be tempted to risk it. This is unconscionable that it is even a “choice”.

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Thanks I’ll have to look into it

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I'm so glad I read this -- thank you for posting! At one of my GSD's annual exams, one of our Vets mentioned Librela since my 7 yr old is now considered a senior. She handed me a brochure on Librela which I read with a lot of skepticism. Same Vet clinic that recommended Apoquel then cytopoint for my female GSD with food allergies.

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They must own stock in Zoetis! But seriously, I remember from my conventional veterinarian days 40 years ago, we got all our drugs solely on what the drug rep told us! Duh. Of course, that was pre-internet, but who has time to dig up the research that happened before the drug hit the market?

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Who has time to look up the pre-market research indeed. Which is why drs rely on the professional organizations. Which, unfortunately, unbeknown to the drs, are compromised.

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I avoid vets like I avoid doctors. I always have little dogs and several of them have reacted to the rabies shot (seizures) so they're not compliant now. When I did take them for the rabies one they tried to push all the other crap and I said NO. Now they're finding lots of adverse effects from those too. Pharma is running our world via scams and nothing seems to stop this madness.

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You stopped the madness.

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A huge thank you!!

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I’ve read a couple of sad stories about dogs having to be euthanized after using this yet someone just posted pics of their 17 year old dog after his injection and said it has saved his life. Maybe at 17 there is nothing to lose? Not willing to risk it myself.

It’s like the flea/tick meds. A puppy buyer of mine recently contacted me because her 3 year old dog had a seizure out of the blue. I asked her if he had any tick or flea meds and he had Simperica about 36 hours before the seizure. I warn all my puppy people to not give these meds but their vets or boarding kennels (as in this case) insist on giving it. Now the vet has told her he should not have any more oral flea/tick meds!

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“Saved his life” followed by serious worsening to come, I expect. The other shoe just hasn’t dropped (any may not in a 17 year old until the end).

I cringe when boarders, groomers, etc. take an animal’s health so flippantly. Commonest is “up to date shots,” coming out of complete ignorance and herd mentality. Are they going to step up and pay the bills for the disease they create with such insane advice/rules?

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