Vital Animal News: July 28, 2024
Colorado Bird Flu, Raw Dairy Bust Up, Vets Yuck it Up, Rabies: Answer!
Bird Flu on the Move
Raw Dairy Op Crushed
Vets Laugh at Your Expense
Rabies: Vaccine Illness
Tasty Tips: Cop This Attitude
Along the Natural Path
Milk Testing, Open Door to Declare “Emergency”
Apparently this “highly pathogenic avian influenza” (of many names, including H5N1, bird flu, and Influenza A) is now going cow to cow, and cow to other species, and Colorado is leading the nation with cases.
So, bulk tank milk in commercial Colorado dairies will be tested weekly and positive farms will be quarantined until they test negative.
And, guess what the test is on that bulk milk?
If you guessed the PCR test, you win a bag of fresh cheese curds!
Where have we seen this test before?
Well, it was a prime fear spreading tool in our recent run of Covidiocy.
If you were paying attention to the non-main stream media at all, you knew the number of amplification cycles the test was run with could be crazily high, in which case false positives became the norm.
And no one was stating how many cycles they’d run before calling out outlandish numbers of “positive Covid cases.”
Oh, and a small detail: the inventor of the PCR test made it clear: It was never meant to diagnose a disease, any disease.
Hold on. Or, as Dan Rather likes to say, “Steady.”
Bird Flu is Spreading, Natch
Research from Cornell confirms the spread. A bird virus spreading mammal to mammal now.
The chief researcher, publishing in the journal Nature, noted:
The concern is that potential mutations could arise that could lead adaptation to mammals, spillover into humans and potential efficient transmission in humans in the future,” Diel said.
Hang on.
“Potential mutations?”
Isn’t that what Gain of Function research is known to create?
Men in labs, tinkering with the viruses, to make them more infectious, more deadly.
And that’s what’s been happening with Bird Flu since 1990.
It’s been proven a lab leak was the source of COVID-19, the virus with the odd ball spike protein. So odd, virologists saw human tampering at work.
No, not a bat who got too friendly with a turtle who was eaten from a Chinese wet market.
And so, we’ve got a respiratory virus that’s come and go for decades in birds, now infecting cow udders.
And from them to farm workers, in at least 6 cases. For now, all mild.
And spreading ferret to ferret, and found in a host of other mammals.
Emergency? Wait for it…
It was recently revealed that Health and Human Services (sounds laudable, but I’ll bet there’s a dirty underbelly there) has expanded its ability to declare bird flu an emergency. Not yet declared, but easier now.
So, keep your eyes open, see the fear mongering from main stream media for what it is, and seek out speakers of truth where ever you can find them.
One is A Midwestern Doctor, who’s seen this cycle over and over again, as have I.
Jack Boot Tactics on Raw Milk
Times are tough for small farmers in general.
Growing numbers are exploring regenerative agriculture, and those who do see gratifying results in just one year when they incorporate cover crops, minimal or no till, and drop out of the expensive and toxic ag chemicals game.
Bottom lines start improving and Big Ag gets concerned.
In Michigan, they’ve gone to great lengths to shut down a small operation that was sourcing raw dairy products for pets (and, you know, you and I, wink, wink).
Jack boot enforcement came down, while the polluters of our land and air and water go unchecked in the name of “feeding the world.”
Did you know raw milk fasts historically cured TB and other chronic diseases?
Visit the Weston Price Foundation’s Campaign for Real Milk for more details.
How long will it take to turn this around?
It all depends on who takes the White House over in November.
Will that person have ties to Big Ag (creating dependence on toxic soil and crop chemicals) or Big Pharma (in charge of keeping you ill and buying drugs)?
Think carefully before you cast your vote.
Fun times with Xrays
It’s that Ha Ha time again for vets with radiograph machines!
The annual “They Ate WHAT?! Contest” is underway, with prizes for the weirdest pics of animals ingesting indigestibles.
This is the final call to get your entries into this year’s They Ate What?! X-ray contest. Show us the crazy things your patients have eaten (even quarters!) for a chance to win a $500💰Visa gift card
But hang on.
Long history here…
What disease is known to create a craving for indigestible consumption?
That symptom has historically been associated with rabies.
Rabid dogs, going way back, were seen to consume wool, dirt, wood, stones, etc.
And you’ve probably seen a version of this if you’ve owned enough dogs over the years.
We can give puppies a pass, as they are naturally curious and many want to taste everything, but when adults do this it’s called pica.
The craving for indigestible things.
My classical example was a Labrador dog patient who’d go so far as to eat a bar of soap if his owners didn’t put it out of reach!
Other patients I’ve had ate underwear, rocks, dirt, stools (also maybe get a pass, as I’m told wolves will do this, though one’s own stool? No pass, that’s a symptom).
I had a cat who ate a “$1000 almond.” That’s how much her surgery cost, once it was diagnosed on radiographs.
Pica is difficult to treat, by the way, though homeopathy has several remedies listed as well as several for vaccinosis (illness that came from vaccines).
My soap lover? I tried and tried and was never able to cure him.
How funny is this, then?
Not very, as we’ve seen for decades that rabies vaccinated animals commonly display symptoms akin to the actually rabid animal.
Aggression or fearfulness
Paralysis of the larynx that can later move to become rear end paralysis
Choking, reverse sneezing (the actual rabid animal often dies of throat paralysis to the point of suffocation)
And yes, pica
You’ve learned about these from Part One of my free Rabies Masterclass likely.
But does Dr. WhiteCoat see the correlation?
No, it’s just a running joke, as this contest happens yearly.
And the winners get their radiographs posted for the world to see and laugh at.
Final days of the Rabies Masterclass
If you’ve not joined the free masterclass yet, it’s going back to the vault soon, and Part Three is open this morning, so jump in from this link.
Let’s not laugh at symptoms caused by a vaccine injury.
But DO get wise about this disease, so you can answer this critical question (which Part Three gives you the tools to do properly):
Does My Animal NEED a Rabies Vaccine?
I’ll look for your answer in the comments.
Timely Story of Rabies Vac Injury
As serendipity would have it, this comment came in to my rabies/duration of immunity post on my site just yesterday, and typifies how important the answer to the above question is.
Our English Chocolate Labrador was born in 2008. Within his first year of life and getting all the vaccines the vet pushed on us, including many additional ones that boarding required, he started having all the symptoms listed in this article related to laryngeal paralysis and the resulting hind quarter weakness and lameness. We had years of overheating, choking/coughing, back end weakness, collapsing after short stints of walking/running, etc.
In 2017, we switched to an all raw diet which greatly improved his energy and cleared up all his hot spots but the back end lameness and choking/coughing continued.
His last vaccine was May of 2019 and it was the three-year Rabies. He quickly deteriorated after this last vaccine and I kept asking our vet and chiropractor why he was getting worse and worse with back leg lameness. His last year of life he was losing his bowel function -- he would be lying down and poop would just poor out of him, then shortly after that he would try to make it to the door to pee but could not hold it. He looked so upset with himself. The last few weeks of life, he completely lost all use of his back legs and sadly we had to euthanize him in September 2023. — Christina G.
These sad stories of compliance and trust being betrayed are all too common.
And you and your animal become victims of a broken, over reaching system of “prevention.”
I want you to be smarter. I want to prevent this damage in the name of prevention.
The best place to start is my free Rabies Masterclass.
But we’ll go even deeper and offer more individual counsel in the soon to be open Rabies: Knowledge is Power course.
Keep an eye on your inbox.
Tasty Tips: Confidence!
I was recently reminded of an article I wrote some years back, thanks to a comment that brought it back to my awareness.
I obviously wrote it when I must have “Had It!” with the rule keepers screwing with your chances for a wildly healthy, vital, long lived animal.
Should an apartment manager control your animal’s health?
This is the one that sets me into a mini-rage.
You’ve lived in your housing for years. With your cat or dog.
But now, the rules have suddenly changed.
You have to submit yearly proof of “current vaccines.”
It can of course happen with kennels, groomers, or trainers as well, with equally risky effects, if you choose to be a victim to ignorance like this.
Who’s responsible for your pet’s health?
This is the key question when you’re faced with these lackeys trying to make you fit into their box of rules.
Does an apartment manager understand immunology?
Duration of immunity?
The common ill effects of vaccination?
And will he be there, financially responsible, when, from following his rules, your animal becomes chronically ill?
Of course not.
It’s you, dear one, only you, who’ll be left holding the bag.
Whether that’s suffering along with your now allergic itchy pet who’s scratching herself raw…
…or worse, when Sadie lands in the ER with a life threatening autoimmune condition (with a 50:50 chance of surviving, after you’ve maxed your credit cards on heroic measures like transfusions).
It comes down to attitude.
And attitude is based on confidence. Which is based on knowledge.
Understanding how things work.
Here’s the article to help you prevail: Straight Talk: Avoiding Baseless Vaccination Requirements
And it winds up with a link to my vaccine waiver templates for you and/or your sympathetic vet to use if the occasion warrants it.
This tip is what I most want for you.
Confidence goes a very long way to keeping your animals VITAL.
Along the Natural Path
My morning workouts have become long bike rides since I’m back in the hot plains of Uttar Pradesh.
With any luck, there’s some cloud cover, as the sun comes up really early here. It’s not cool, just cooler at 6 am than, say, 11 am or later, after the sun has been baking us for a number of hours.
Humidity is crazy, so the weather app always says 80+% and the “feels like” temp is always a few degrees higher than the thermometer bulb would indicate.
Face flies keep the cows flapping their long ears, and their tails are pretty non-stop.
When they find your face, they won’t take a wave of your hand seriously. In my little office, I keep a swatter in use. I have zero tolerance for their persistence.
The rice is pretty well all planted now, and looking happily emerald green, as the plants enjoy their “wet feet.”
The water gets to the fields from irrigation hoses that often cross my bike path. They are big flabby balloon like affairs that can move a lot of water, pumped from an irrigation ditch to the mud bounded fields.
I tried to negotiate one that had leaked a big muddy pool along a narrow dirt path a few days back, and got into that twisted front tire, can’t quite correct it… oh DAYUM! Into the mud, hands, feet, and white pajama pants.
As I was almost home, it could have been worse, and a light drizzly shower in the last 1/4 mile helped. The soil here is so full of clay, it rarely leaves a stain, even on white clothes.
The girls who attend our free school just got new backpacks and school supplies, one of many distributions that happen throughout the year here.
These are some of the smartest kids and the most well balanced I see in India.
And talk about good fortune. Girls in India often are married off at a very young age and become indentured servants to their husbands with no chance to advance in life.
This school takes them from kindergarten to masters level, all free of charge. Clothing, bikes, food, etc. are all provided to them. When ever I’m lucky enough to cross paths with them, they are smiling and gracious and call out “Radhey Radhey!” (our greeting with God’s most loving divine name).
Lucky kids.
Where ever you find yourself on our spinning space ship, be sure to get outside on the regular. Wiggle your toes in the mud if you can, and don’t worry if your dog needs a good hosing before you end your outing. Serious microbiome enhancement awaits you both.
And, as always, keep making those wise decisions on behalf of your furry charges. They count on your wisdom to keep them safe.
Until next time,
Will Falconer, DVM
Love your articles and have practice what you tell us. My dogs are healthier for it. Educated my vet and medical doctors. All remain hesitant on this but at least I’m in more control. No more vaccines for me, my dogs and horses. I hate the government over reach for the small farmer. Hate they wasted all that milk. Shame on us for letting our government get so big it does this.
Yes my 15 yr maltese has reverse s neezing and I feel bad about it.know I know why..I have always avoided vaccines and know I know more.just a gut hunch all my life